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Coconut Rice & Peas

I've done a Rice and Peas meal before but it was to accompany this Jerk Chicken dish so it was jerk flavoured Rice and Peas.

It was very Jamaican-y, you should try it out if you love spicy food like I do. 


This one I whipped up because being Nigerian has me just sick of rice. 

 I mean I used to complain about the jollof rice, fried rice, rice and stew, until I started at my new job and the kitchen guys have shown me rice many ways !

(shout out to MasterChef)

Did you know you could have rice with banga soup ?

Did you know you can have rice with pepper soup ?

Well, I didn't but obviously I tried them all (oink oink). 


So in helping my people jazz up the plenty plenty rice in our lives, here's one for the win...

You would think the Coconut would add a bit of a sweet taste to the dish but not at all, so if that what you're after

...can't help you :)



Prep time: 10mins

Cook time: <30mins 

Total time: <40mins 

Yield: 3-5 servings 





Long grain rice. 2 cups 

Red Kidney beans, half a can 

Coconut Milk, 1 1/2 cups 

Chicken stock, 1 cup

2 knoor cube

Salt, to taste 

Cayenne Pepper, 2tsp

Crushed chili’s, 2 tsp 

All spice, 2 tsp 

Ginger powder, 1 tsp 

Garlic powder, 1 tsp 



Grocery Shopping: 



Rene's Supermarket, Ikoyi



  1. Rinse and clean rice 

  2. Drain and rinse red kidney beans  

  3. Add beans to clean rice and add coconut milk. Salt lightly and soak for 5 mins 




  1. Pour soaked contents into a pot and add boiling water 

  2. Add more salt as necessary, seasoning with jerk seasoning, all spice, chili powder knoor cube, ginger and garlic powder. 

  3. Cover the pot and cook on medium heat for 10mins before checking to stir. 

  4. Continue to cook the rice to your desired softness 

  5. Then removed the pot from the heat, stir contents and leave to air for 2 minutes before serving. 


Your Coconut Rice and Peas are ready ! 


Enjoy ! X

pair with any side of  your choice ...
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