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Rice and Peas 

This dish goes hand in hand with this Jerk Chicken recipe because they are cooked together, though separately lol. 

If food could be twins, it would be Jerk Chicken (taiwo) and Rice and Peas (kenny). 


I can't drool over this again, I'm all porned out from writing the Jerk recipe. 

This is ah-mazing, cooking it in the oven kinda gives it that party rice taste. 

Fake Away Party Rice and Peas (TM).


"You can just eat this by itself"

- He 

Yield: 3 servings

Prep time: 5 mins

Cook time: 40 mins

Total time: 45 mins





Basmati Rice, 2 cups 

Chicken stock, 1 cup 

Coconut milk, 1 cup 

Kidney Beans, 1 tin 

Scotch Bonnets aka ata rodo, x3 

Jerk Seasoning, 2 tsp

All spice, 2 tsp

Knorr Cube, x2

Salt, to taste


Grocery Shopping:

Spar, Lekki





Rinse rice.

Dice bonnets and set aside. 




1. In an oven dish (I used the same dish I used to season the jerk chicken so that the remaining seasoning on the dish could cook with the rice), pour in clean rice and add kidney beans.


2. Pour in chicken stock and stir. 


3. Pour in coconut milk and add bonnets. Then salt and add jerk seasoning, all spice and Knorr. Then stir well. 

4. If you are cooking this along side the Jerk Chicken, place your tray of jerk chicken onto the dish (you want the juices to drip into the rice). Jerk Chicken recipe.


5. Place both rice dish and chicken tray into pre-heated oven at 180 degrees. 


6. Cook rice with the chicken for 30 mins.


7. Remove the dish from the oven and continue to cook rice on low heat in a pot for 10 more minutes or until the rice has dried out.  Once rice is cooked and dried, stir and removed from heat.  

oven viewwww

done. Remove rice from oven, stir and serve.


Your Jamaican Rice and Peas is ready !!!  




ENOY !! 

Don't forget to Fake It, Snap It and Tag @fakeawaylagos 


issa feast
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