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Hello ! I'm Janet and welcome to my greedy kitchen.


How was fakeaway born ?


I basically love to eat soooo much but couldn't sustain the lifestyle of eating out and ordering in Lagos so I thought how could I have everything I want all the time ?!

Fake it myself ! 









In Nigeria it feels like if you want to eat something interesting you have to eat out or order in because even when you have the will to cook, finding the right ingredients in our supermarkets is enough to make you lose interest in the whole idea. 


But we're all in this together, so rather than bore your taste buds because honestly, not everyday rice and swallow at home, join me as we cheat the system (like proper Nigerians) and fakeaway !








Unfortunately I’m not a chef, I’m just a girl who can cook and loves to eat !

oink oink  


And because I'm sooooo selfless I will be sharing recipes tried and enjoyed by my hungry family and friends, using ingredients bought locally.


I found that my biggest challenge in Lagos is finding ingredients so I’ll also be sharing where you can get ingredients to each recipes in a Lagos Supermarket near you !








Start faking today, search recipes now and find ideas for your next meal.

 I also love suggestions so subscribe and let me know what food you're loving out there and I'll be happy to fake a recipe for our enjoyment at home ! 


love, Janet x



I love to eat out as much as the next person but how about now we only take away once a month ? ... 


-This is ME-

Janet Akinwale 


 Founder, Foodie, Homecook 


Lawyer by day 

Little Miss Piggy, always



Things I love:




(in that order)

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