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Homemade work lunch is the ultimate life hack, I mean why spend like 2-4k on lunch 5 days a week ?

No thanks. 


I've been thinking about subway a lot lately which is weird because I never liked subway.

I actually hated the place, I had no real reason if I'm being honest I just didn't like the way everyone used to bum it off, subway this subway that, bla bla bla subway. So obviously I made it a point to be anti-subway lol. 


Anyway fast forward to yesterday and I find myself craving a sub, in fact I can only think about subway specifically.

Anyone who knows me knows I can never let a craving go. 

Life Motto : All cravings must be satisfied !


So in true fake away fashion...

Yield: 2 servings 

Prep time: 10mins

Cook time: 5 mins

Total time: 15mins




1 ft baguette 

Tuna, 1 tin

Sweetcorn, 1 tin 

2 Eggs 



1/2 a small Cucumber 

Mayonnaise, 1 tbsp 

Black pepper, to taste 



Grocery Shopping: 


Spar, Victoria Island

I knew I wanted tuna and sweetcorn but I wanted it to pack more of a punch so I added chunks of boiled egg so its perfect enough to have you full till dinner but not too much where you're snoozing at your desk after lunch.





Boil eggs and cut into chunks once cooled

Slice and dice tomatoes 

Clean and cut lettuce 

Dice cucumber into small chunks 

Gently slice the baguette in half making sure not to cut it open, place it in the grill for 3 mins at 180




1. Add tuna and sweet corn to a bowl and stir. 


2. Add lettuce and cucumber and mix together.


3. Add tomatoes and egg chunks and gently mix together. 


4. Add mayonnaise and gentle stir all contents of the bowl together, ensuring the eggs and tomatoes do not get mashed.


5. Add black pepper to taste, gently stir and set aside. 


done. Butter both sides of the baguette and generously stuff with the tuna salad.

Cut your baguette into desired sizes and eat ! 


Your Tuna Salad Sub is ready ! Enjoy :) 



Don't forget to FAKE IT, SNAP IT and TAG 
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